8th day. Two more days and I am off to olden-hood. Almost out of it if we were talking about February.
Oh, whence will thine prince come to sweep me off my feet? But oh well! Security is the top priority now.
And so, since it is fast approaching, aside from my fervent prayer that my torn ligament may be well without surgery, I am writing down 28 wishes which I hope I will be able to achieve/receive/experience within a year, seeing its completion by my 29th birthday, which according to my projection (as of 10 years ago) will be the time when I will have married and already have two kids.
My wish above all, would be that my one true love find his way back to me, that my parents live happily and healthy-ly ever after, that my friends remain friends and my angels stay by my side for always.
For posterity's sake. here is the list of the 28 Things I Dare Wish for My 28th Birthday:
1. to meet and greet Exequiel
2. to graduate from masters
3. to be in the audience for my brother 's graduation in college
4. to watch Richard Poon sing live
5. to volunteer for HOM
6. to reunite with beloved Giorg
7. to publish my first blogbook
8. to change/transfer residence
9. to play a musical instrument
10. to run for a cause
11. to buy eyeglasses for Mama
12. to be 90% clear of debts
13. to spend 2 beach days far away
14. to visit Disneyland
15. to drive a car
16. to finish the Monster Reader's booklist
17. to "doctorize" my injured hand
18. to seek opportunities abroad
19. to enroll in dance, aero or yoga class
20. to climb Pinatubo or Pulag
21. to acquire five tees
22. to find the universal shoes
23. to backpack-travel
24. to be part of a photo exhibit
25. to cook adobo
26. to serve in the church or read the Gospel during mass
27. to be part of a wedding
28. to go back to China for the Great Wall and the pandas
So we will see...I had fun accomplishing this list. I hope it will be as fun looking back into this next year, and hopefully, have more fun ticking off achievements/accomplishments...for I believe that wishes do come true! :)
And for you, dear reader, here are some quotes to live by. May your wishes come true, too!
Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves.
We must learn to respect them.
We must learn to listen.
If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.
Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.
Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing. The dream that you wish will come true.
Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing, though the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase.