Is something white because it reflects all light incident on it? Or does it reflect all light because it is white?
Physics certainly has a lot of explaining and convincing to do!
I am associated with Physics. That is the closest that I can get in describing our relationship. It lasted for more than a decade and thank goodness that our togetherness has been harmonious, functional, comforting though challenging, and bearable. I survived. But I did not last long-er.
I have been Physics-free for a long time now and I can say that I am missing it. I miss tinkering equations and formulas just to get to the end of a mind-boggling problem. I miss my bestfriend calculator, the thick books, the videos, the games, the real-life applications explained! I would like to believe that since Physics has been a significant part of my growing-up years, I could not wash it off from my system ever. Whether I like it or not, will it or not, Physics will have to stay.
Today, I have gone almost a year without Physics. Oh boy, now I am even doubtful if I would still be able to solve a Physics problem. Though Physics seemed to surface once in a while as I go through life's daily grind, I haven't given it any serious thought. How I long to be back. But my mind seemed to be resistant, hesitant, and quite reluctant at going back. What if we have already become totally strangers to each other? I do not have any clue as to where we are in terms of our "relationship." As I get used to the simple life I am now living, I moved farther and farther apart from it. Physics is becoming more and more abstract and complicated.
There had been attempts at making us talk again. But nothing worked. I initially show interest but eventually, I beg off. What will happen to me now that I have been devoid of my only marketable attribute? I am pretty sure that I am doomed.
So while taking the time to just chill on an RD, I tried reading some online sources on Physics. Consider it my re-connection scheme. For disclaimer though, I have not verified into the validity and reliability of the web sources I will be citing here. Here are just briefs and glimpses. Feel free to click on the links for information. :)
Today, I have gone almost a year without Physics. Oh boy, now I am even doubtful if I would still be able to solve a Physics problem. Though Physics seemed to surface once in a while as I go through life's daily grind, I haven't given it any serious thought. How I long to be back. But my mind seemed to be resistant, hesitant, and quite reluctant at going back. What if we have already become totally strangers to each other? I do not have any clue as to where we are in terms of our "relationship." As I get used to the simple life I am now living, I moved farther and farther apart from it. Physics is becoming more and more abstract and complicated.
There had been attempts at making us talk again. But nothing worked. I initially show interest but eventually, I beg off. What will happen to me now that I have been devoid of my only marketable attribute? I am pretty sure that I am doomed.
So while taking the time to just chill on an RD, I tried reading some online sources on Physics. Consider it my re-connection scheme. For disclaimer though, I have not verified into the validity and reliability of the web sources I will be citing here. Here are just briefs and glimpses. Feel free to click on the links for information. :)
Physics camouflaged in one of the most-addicting games of all time. See how:
Physics reviewed with concepts, simulations, and other lessons. Learn more:
Physics recognized through its practical applications. Read on:
Physics developed, improved, furthered. Find out: